The importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in your marketing strategy is skyrocketed. With Gilead Digital your SEO dreams have an answer. If your website is not appearing on the first page of search engine results, it is crucial to address any SEO-related issues. In this blog post, we will be discussing the top 10 SEO Tips that every digital marketer should know.

SEO Agency in Chennai – Gilead Digital
  1. The first critical step is to optimize for voice search. Voice search will significantly impact search queries, 50 % of households in India will have their own smart speaker by 2023. To optimize for voice search, it is necessary to choose relevant and wise keywords that match the longer phrases used in everyday conversations. When users ask a question through voice search, they typically use words like “who,” “whom,” or “what.” There are numerous reasons why people utilize voice search, such as dictating text messages, finding videos on YouTube, calling contacts, or getting directions. According to Forbes, voice search significantly improves the user experience, and search engines like Google are prioritizing voice search optimization. Google’s voice search displays websites that load quickly at the top of the search results. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your website has a responsive design, optimized images, compressed files, proper implementation of website caching to improve page speed, and reduced server response time.

  2. The second step in the process is mobile optimization. It’s essential to make your website mobile friendly. According to a study by SEM Rush, approximately 70% of internet users will be accessing the internet through mobile devices by 2025. Google’s mobile-friendly update has resulted in significant changes in search rankings. You can check the effectiveness of your mobile website using Google’s free mobile-friendly test and mobile usability report in Google’s Search Console.

  3. Moving on to tip number three, it’s important to note that Google has eight principles that determine the ranking of a website. Google has confirmed that content quality is an essential factor for ranking on search engine result pages. The content that fulfills the EAT principle (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) will rank higher. These elements will determine if a web page has useful quality content in Google. Low-quality and duplicate content can harm a website’s ranking on search engines. Google’s RankBrain algorithm uses machine learning to interpret search queries that may not have the exact keywords searched for. For example, a search for “chocolate cake recipes” may also display results for “chocolate truffle cake recipes” on the search engine results page. To ensure high-quality content appears at the top of search engine results, Google Panda and RankBrain send bots to crawl every website.

  4. Another tip is to aim for a featured snippet, which displays the best answer to a search query chosen by Google from a third-party website. Nearly 99% of web pages appearing in featured snippets have already been ranked by Google. There are several effective ways to optimize featured snippets on search engine result pages. First, structure your content in a clear and organized manner. Secondly, ensure that your article addresses multiple related questions. Thirdly, use visually appealing images to capture users’ attention. Fourthly, create featured snippet answers with tables to encourage clicks. Lastly, write dedicated headings that directly address the featured snippet question, such as “Is red meat healthy?”. If you’re struggling with ideas, consider creating a question-based plan using relevant keywords. You can also explore the “People also ask” feature on Google, which is displayed in blue and suggests related questions. 

  5. Moving on to the sixth tip, image optimization is becoming increasingly important in search engine optimization. When an image fails to load on a user’s screen, it is not only inconvenient for the user but also affects Google’s ability to interpret the image. Well-optimized images can improve your page ranking and increase engagement. Image optimization also helps your web page appear in image carousels on search engines. 

  6. Semantic keywords, which are related to the primary keywords, have become an important factor for ranking in the future. They drive relevant traffic on search engine result pages. A simple way to find LSI keywords is on Google SERP. Semantic search can be performed effectively by writing content that targets the questions your target audience is asking. Remember to optimize content for topic clusters instead of solely focusing on keywords.

  7. In order to effectively manage a successful and sustainable SEO strategy, it is crucial to prioritize building quality links. Google has declared that building quality links is among their top three ranking signals in 2016. Quality should always take precedence over quantity, as building quality links to your content can significantly improve your product and category pages’ performance in search engine results pages (SERPs). To help increase the number of links pointing to your website, here are a few effective strategies to consider:

1. Earn backlinks from relevant and authoritative web pages.

2. Promote your content regularly on social

3. Consider guest blogging and influencer marketing. 

4. Take advantage of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by creating your own page. 

  1. Local SEO is the process of optimizing a website to attract traffic from location-based searches. It is a highly effective way to market products and services to local customers. Google’s local search results are based on relevance, distance, and prominence, which helps them find the best match for a user’s search. Therefore, it’s crucial to have accurate and consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) details across the internet. According to SEMrush, local search listings will play a significant role in SEO strategies. To get your business in the local pack, you can create your own Google My Business page. Additionally, building a strong backlink profile is important. Improving the user experience has also become a crucial factor in ranking on Google, and SEO specialists.

  2. In terms of search engine optimization, the primary focus is on enhancing the visibility of a website on search engines. However, the ultimate goal is to provide a seamless experience to website visitors. As per the Content King app’s recommendations on user experience (UX), there are certain practices to effectively leverage UX designs to improve SEO performance. These include simplifying the site’s navigation, ensuring a good site architecture, utilizing UX design to create SEO-friendly layouts, making content easy to digest by incorporating images and videos, using call-to-actions (CTAs) wisely, optimizing for site load speed, and ensuring mobile responsiveness.

  3.  Schema markup is utilized to provide a comprehensive description of website content on a search engine results page. Structured data can significantly improve your website’s SEO and boost your rankings. Examples of schema markup include ratings and reviews, image thumbnails, product availability, and site links. Adding schema markup to your HTML is a crucial ranking factor.
    If you have any questions regarding the discussed topics, please feel free to ask in the comment section below. Our team will be happy to assist you. Contact us today!